One of the most important activities that the SKWC sponsors is a Regional Training Center (RTC). Through your participation in the Pin Pool the SKWC is able to bring accomplished resident athletes to train year round in New Brunswick. It is important to note that in many cases our competitors in the B1G and other conferences have more than three times our number of resident athletes.
The SKWC is an independent non-profit organization that receives no funding from Rutgers. Having successful and talented SKWC RTC resident athletes as training partners helps our Rutgers wrestlers to achieve their full potential.
Our goal is to build a top RTC that will enable our wrestlers to train for Olympic, world, and national competitions.
A strong RTC is an essential part of having a successful college wrestling team.
The Pin Pool rules are simple. Participants pledge a fixed amount per pin. Any time a Rutgers wrestler scores a pin it counts as a Pin Pool pin. Our wrestlers compete in both duals and open competitions over the course of the season. Falls by Rutgers wrestlers scored while while in their redshirt year count toward this total. Periodic updates will be sent to Pin Pool members over the course of the season. This will be the 7th edition of the Pin Pool. Last year there were 37 qualifying pins. Pin Pool donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules.
- All participants pledging $5 or higher will receive a tee shirt at the end of the season
- In addition to the above benefits those pledging $10 or more per pin will be able to attend an SKWC practice to watch our SKWC resident athletes prepare for senior competition.
At the conclusion of the NCAA championships in March you will be sent a notice of the amount due calculated by multiplying the number of qualifying pins by your pledged amount per pin. A link that will enable you to pay online using a credit card will be included with the notice of amount due.
Thank you for your support!
Scarlet Knights Wrestling Club
[email protected]
Pin Pool Wall of Fame
Michael J. Alvarez5
Tim Anderson5
Mike Antenucci2
George Arnold5
Bill Ashnault
Bob Ashnault
George Bellino2
Rick Berry5
Gary Bonham
David Bugen7
Sarah Bugen
Timothy Burklow Jr.
Tim Burklow Sr.7
Bob Cancro
Tom Caravela4
Michael Carle
John Carlucci
Alex Caruso5
Tom Cassio
Art Certisimo5
Art & Terry Certosimo2
John Ciaramella
Chris Clerico
PJ Conlon2
Mauro Correnti
John Croot5
Jim & Renee Curran2
Danielle D’Elia
Barry Dambach
Neil Della Torre
Vinnie Dellefave
Michael DeMarco
JP DeMauro
Ryan Devine
Vincent Di Pano2
Jim DiOrio2
Doug Dolan5
Robert Dunbar2
Brent Ekstedt2
Tom Farrell
Joe Fasulo
Michael Fierro
Rich Forgash2
Buddy Frezza2
Bob Friedman3
Gregg Furniss
John Gagliardi2
Donald Galante2
Janet Garbarini
William Garbarini7
Sean Gatesy2
Joseph Gazdalski2
Joseph Giaimo
Drew Gitomer2
Jerald Goldstein
Karen Goodale7
Ken Grispin
Aaron Gross2
Joshua Gross7
Michael Hanson4
Theo Hardies
William Harle
Steven Hay
Tim Hennessey
Gary Hochrun
James Hode
Fred Hoffman
William Hoffman7
Kirk Holderbaum5
Karim Homsany
Christopher Husk
John C. Huss
David Hutt
Tom Hyland
Michael Jazikoff
Glenn Jenkins3
David Johnson2
Jeff Kaplan
Wayne Kenney2
Kevin Kenny5
Richard Knoblock
Susan Kohen2
Cathy Krystopik
Steve Kuuskvere
Tom LaBue5
Billy LaGrutta
Andrea Leonardis7
Sharon Lightner
Michael Liguori2
Ray Lijo7
Ron Lockman2
Tim Madden2
Roy Malinak
Michael Mancuso2
John Mangan
David Marr
David Mattana
John McElroy2
Bryce McManemin
Ralph Meade2
Mike Messner4
Alan Michaels3
Brian Miller
Mintz & Geftic LLC
Adam Mitchell7
Edward Moldaver
Patrick Morris
William Moses
Leon Mowadia7
Mark Mucciacciaro2
Joel Murphy2
Terry Murphy
Debbie Newcomb
Jason Newcomb4
Jon Newman
Genevieve Nikolsky
Enzo Nini3
Matthew Oliver4
David Otterburn4
James Pagano
Brian Paich4
Michael Paich
Tim Paich3
William Paladini
Scott Parkin2
Jim Patti
Chris Peake7
Simone Pepe
John Pilley
Kevin Pollard2
Dante Puorro4
Ron Puorro5
Robert Ragozine2
Robert Ribeiro3
Gary Rudow2
Matthew Sagui4
Christopher Sallay
James Salvesen
Phil Scalo
Jay Schmidt
Matt Schott6
Carmen Sclafani
Bill Scott3
Dan Seidenburg
Dan Seifring5
Sal Severini
Margaret Sherman2
Ron & Diane Shimanowitz5
Kimberly Sikora
Steven Simminger
Mick & Barb Simmons2
Andy Sisti2
Michael Skrzenski2
Charles Slane
Dave Smith
Edward Spatola
Beverly Stott4
John Strampfer
Daniel Taylor
Kenneth Theobold2
Bob Titchenell
Bob Torrone2
Robert Traeger
Andy Tupler
Michael Van Brill5
Rick Vohden4
Rob Vohlden
Garth Weber
Weber Bros
Michael Weems
John Weinlein
John Welch7
Steven Wells
Adam White2
Scott White4
Ryan Williams
Stan Winkler
Erik Wnuck5
Timothy Woods7
Bob Wymbs
Joe Young5
Robert Zisk
Pins to date:
11/3: Centenary (6)
- 133: Nick Suriano
- 141: Robert Cleary
- 149: Anthony Ashnault
- 165: Stephan Glasgow
- 174: Joe Grello
- Hwt: Christian Colucci
11/3: Fresno State (1)
- 149: Anthony Ashnault
11/3: Johnson & Wales (3)
- 133: Nick Suriano
- 149: Anthony Ashnault
- 174: Joe Grello
11/4: Princeton Open (7)
- 125: Nick Denora
- 125: Nicolas Aguilar
- 133: Malcolm Robinson
- 149: Robert Cleary
- 165: Anthony Olivieri
- 165: Anthony Olivieri
- 174: Willie Scott
11/10: Utah Valley (1)
- 149: Anthony Ashnault
11/10: East Stroudsburg Open (2)
- 285: Kyle Lightner
- 285: Kyle Lightner
11/11: Journeymen Collegiate Classic (1)
- 184: Billy Janzer
11/16: Hofstra (3)
- 133: Nick Suriano
- 149: Anthony Ashnault
- 174: Joe Grello
11/25: Mat Town (2)
- 285: Kyle Lightner v. Bloomsberg
- 285: Kyle Lightner v.
11/30: Cliff Keen Invitational – Las Vegas (5)
- 149: Anthony Ashnault v. Hofstra
- 157: John Van Brill v. Virginia Tech
- 157: John Van Brill v. Central Michigan
- 174: Joseph Grello v. Citadel
- 174: Joseph Grello v. Hofstra
12/9: George Mason Patriots Open (1)
- 184: Billy Janzer
12/16: Rider (1)
- 149: Anthony Ashnault
12/22: Wilkes Open (4)
- 133: Kyle diNapoli
- 285: Kyle Lightner
- 285: Kyle Lightner
- 285: Kyle Lightner
12/29: Midlands Day 1 (2)
- 285: Alex Exposito
- 141: Pete Lipari
2/10: Purdue (1)
- 149: Anthony Ashnault
2/22: Maryland (1)
- 133: Nick Suriano
2/24: Mat Town II (1)
- 285: Alex Exposito
3/9: B1G Tournament I (2)
- 133: Nick Suriano
- 157: John Van Brill
3/10: B1G Tournament II (1)
- 174: Joe Grello
3/22: NCAA Tournament II (2)
- 133: Nick Suriano
- 157: John Van Brill
Pin Board
125: Nicolas Aguilar
125: Nick Denora
133: Kyle diNapoli
133: Malcolm Robinson
133: Nick Suriano (6)
141: Robert Cleary (2)
141: Pete Lipari
149: Anthony Ashnault (8)
157: John Van Brill (4)
165: Stephen Glasgow
165: Anthony Olivieri (2)
174: Joseph Grello (6)
174: Willie Scott
184: Billy Janzer
285: Christian Colluci
285: Alex Exposito (2)
285: Kyle Lightner (7)