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Coach Pritzlaff’s Update
Rutgers Wrestling students begin the second semester this week coming off the best team grade point average in program history. The team earned a Fall term grade point average of 3.34 and achieved 50 A’s throughout a tumultuous semester of pauses in training, sporadic scheduling, contact tracing quarantines and constant testing anxiety. Not allowing any of those issues to interfere, we achieved great success in the classroom and our wrestling preparation has been solid. The number of A’s is important because we plan to roll out a new fundraising option which we will call the “A Pool.” The “A Pool” will act the same as the “Pin Pool” except rewarding our program for an A earned at the conclusion of the semester rather than a fall on the mat. Our wrestlers have rallied around the pin pool and understand how important it is to our overall SKWC fundraising success so now we intend to make earning an A just as critical as pinning an opponent! Please be on the lookout by visiting our website SKWC in the coming weeks for us to rollout this new fundraising program.
This has been a groundbreaking season where there has been so much chaos and this adversity has enabled our team to bond together better than any group we have ever had on campus. This group of young men has sky high team and individual goals beginning with a road win vs Ohio State this Sunday. Although the Big Ten gave us our schedule a week prior to our first match, after last year’s heartbreaking ending every opportunity on the mat is a huge gift! And last Saturday’s cancellation was another reminder that these opportunities are truly precious. Knock on wood, as we do every day, we have put forth an outstanding effort staying COVID-19 free during our Big Ten daily antigen testing. We will continue to do our due diligence to make sure our program remains healthy and ready for competition.
This has been an expedited season, so we are getting very close to the championship time already. Luckily, there are several tests crunched together over the next 5 weekends that will prepare us for the home stretch in March. Big Ten Champions, All-Americans and NCAA Champions are what we are working toward! Although we cannot see you mat-side, please know that we miss your energy and encouragement in the RAC and truly appreciated the support during this tough time. We hope you stay tuned to our matches on the big ten networks (whether live or streamed) as we work tirelessly to make you proud!
Red Team Upstream!
Donny Pritzlaff
A Short Video From Coach Scott Goodale
The Rutgers Wrestling team GPA was a 3.34 for the fall semester. The following made the Deans List:
Gerard Angelo, Jake Benner, Andrew Clark, Zach Firestone, Andrew Gapas, Joe Grello, Billy Janzer, Nico Messina, Shane Metzler, Connor O’Neil, John Poznanski, Malcolm Robinson, and Nick Santos.
Please Join the Pin Pool
One of the most important activities that the SKWC sponsors is a Regional Training Center (RTC). Through your participation in the Pin Pool the SKWC is able to bring accomplished resident athletes to train year round in New Brunswick.
The SKWC is an independent non-profit organization that receives no funding from Rutgers. Having successful and talented SKWC RTC resident athletes as training partners helps our Rutgers wrestlers to achieve their full potential. A strong RTC is an essential part of having a successful college wrestling team. Full Pin Pool details!
Make your pledge to the Pin Pool here or clicking the image below!
Team & Individual Rankings
125 – Nicolas Aguilar (0-1)
Intermat: NR
FloWrestling: 22
The Open Mat: 18
Amateur Wrestling News: 17
TrackWrestling: 15
WIN Magazine: NR
133 – Sammy Alvarez (0-0)
Intermat: 6
FloWrestling: 6
The Open Mat: 6
Amateur Wrestling News: 7
TrackWrestling: NR
WIN Magazine: 7
133 – Nick Suriano (0-0)
Intermat: NR
FloWrestling: NR
The Open Mat: NR
Amateur Wrestling News: NR
TrackWrestling: 1
WIN Magazine: NR
141 – Sebastian Rivera (1-0)
Intermat: 4
FloWrestling: 1
The Open Mat: 3
Amateur Wrestling News: 2
TrackWrestling: 3
WIN Magazine: 3
157 – Robert Kanniard (0-1)
Intermat: NR
FloWrestling: NR
The Open Mat: 27
Amateur Wrestling News: NR
TrackWrestling: 28
WIN Magazine: NR
Intermat: NR
FloWrestling: NR
The Open Mat: NR
Amateur Wrestling News: NR
TrackWrestling: 29
WIN Magazine: NR
174 – Joseph Grello (0-1)
Intermat: NR
FloWrestling: 24
The Open Mat: 17
Amateur Wrestling News: NR
TrackWrestling: 23
WIN Magazine: 18
184 – John Poznanski (1-0)
Intermat: NR
FloWrestling: NR
The Open Mat: 23
Amateur Wrestling News: NR
TrackWrestling: 31
WIN Magazine: NR
197 – Billy Janzer (1-0)
Intermat: NR
FloWrestling: 14
The Open Mat: 23
Amateur Wrestling News: NR
TrackWrestling: 27
WIN Magazine: 16
HWT – Christian Colucci (0-1)
Intermat: NR
FloWrestling: NR
The Open Mat: NR
Amateur Wrestling News: NR
TrackWrestling: 31
WIN Magazine: NR
Drop Coach Goodale a question for his next video update!
Email [email protected] your questions!