For decades it was said, “it could not be done at Rutgers.” Our hopes of national champions and having a top ten finish were considered pipe dreams. On March 23, 2019, those dreams came true. Rutgers had not one, but two National Champs and finished 9th in the country.

Now we have dreams of winning a Team Trophy (a top four finish at the NCAA Tournament) and a National Championship. The Rutgers Administration has made wrestling a top priority and provides impactful financial support. We have made great progress but, there is still work to be done.
The SKWC, in partnership with the New Jersey Regional Training Center (NJRTC) and the Princeton Wrestling Club (PWC), has the platform for world-caliber athletes to train at the SKWC. Currently, the SKWC pays three of the nation’s best wrestlers to train with the NJRTC Tyler Graff, Anthony Ashnault, Kemol Bagakov, and Ethan Ramos.
The financial strength of the SKWC is vital to retain and attract future World and Olympic Team Members as Resident Athletes. Funds from the SKWC also aid in associated costs for Student-Athletes, Resident-Athletes, fund our Recruiting Coordinator, Volunteer Coach, and partially pay the salary of our Director of Operations. The SKWC pays for all the training and competition travel and accommodations for our Resident-Athletes. At times, The University is not able to pay for certain trips, per the NCAA rules, for our Student-Athletes leaving the burden on the SKWC. All these additional opportunities for our Student-Athletes and Potential Student-Athletes makes Rutgers University very attractive place to call home.
Without your support it makes it very difficult to compete at the highest level. Please consider joining the SKWC to help support our goal of winning a National Title and make it a reality!
Thank you for your support.
-Scott Goodale
The SKWC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contributions are normally tax deductible. Please contact your tax advisor. Membership will be for the year beginning Oct. 1 and ending on September 30th.
Questions? or paying by check Email [email protected].
Boom Club Benefits and Donation Levels
To make payment arrangements contact [email protected].
To make payment arrangements contact [email protected].